Friday, February 18, 2011

Questions for Teachers

Apparently I (by proxy, through my attire) am the harbinger of spring. I wore shorts today. It was just too warm yesterday and I am constantly running, so, I figured that it was a good idea to break them out.

I am from Southern California and have recently moved to Georgia. Seasons have always been a foreign concept to me. It's just fascinating, to me, to think that a few weeks ago, it was so cold, people were stranded in their homes, unable to get to work. Schools were cancelled and production was halted. Yet, in a few months, it will be so hot in Georgia, we will have completely forgotten about the winter.

For right now, it's beautiful out. We are working hard and pursuing new technologies to aid educators in their quest to impart knowledge on the youth of this nation. The most influential part of this process is when we receive input from teachers. Teachers asked for the 3Cam Document Camera, and so we built it. Teachers are concerned about early literacy, so, we asked them to help us develop Letters alive. Teachers are at the heart of this company and the source of our prosperity.

Here is what I'm asking: what can we do for you? What concepts do you find your students struggling the most with? What tools would you like to improve upon. Do you have technology in your classroom our in your everyday life that you just don't understand? We, I, my team, would all love the opportunity to serve you in this way.

Please think about this a little this weekend as you enjoy the end of the winter weather and let me know what you think.

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