Thursday, May 5, 2011

Giving back to the Community - Gateway Homeless Shelter

Serving those in need is the duty of everyone who has been blessed with the means to give. We don't normally publish the acts of service that we perform for the community. But, every now and then I think it's important to let others know how vital it is to give back. What better way is there to do this than to lead by example?

Alicia and Lisa are two of the very hardworking employees here at Logical Choice. Their positions and the inherent pressure associated with their task-load would easily justify their absence from such benevolent activities as assisting at a homeless shelter. But, it didn't stop them. Their heart and compassion for others is inspiring.

After much prodding, Alicia agreed to share a letter about their experience:

Dear Cynthia,

Lisa K. and I joined in with the Ron Clark Academy last Saturday to work at the Gateway Homeless Shelter.  Needless to say, the day was amazing!  Housed in what used to be the Atlanta City Jail, the 3 top floors house men including veterans, mentally ill, and in-transition back into work.  They also have a separate small area for women and children.  The bottom floor was open and allows homeless to come in for clothes, food, showers, and if necessary, even sleeping on the floor.

Interacting with the people who came into the shelter tugs at your heart strings.  They were looking for people to talk to and listen to them, share a smile, and just be like everyone else.

We had the opportunity to participate by setting up a children’s area for the assembly of shoe boxes of necessities and fun for children, sorting and organizing the clothes closet, and serving over 400 people lunch.

What an amazing blessing it was to be involved in this project.  Looking forward to our next opportunity!

Alicia H.

If this cause speaks to you, make the time in your schedule to help out. To learn more about the Gateway Homeless Shelter go to

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME! There are wonderful people that are servants in so many ways here at Logical Choice. I am very glad to work with all of you!

